WAWM 2023 Priorities
Promote Economic Development That Benefits the Westside
Community-friendly, mixed-use development on Andrews Avenue
Updated land-use and zoning regulations, & streetscape improvements
Community dialog with potential investors and developers
Improve Public Safety and Livability for Westside Residents
Continued safety improvements on Powerline Road
Mobility enhancements and “complete street” design for City streets
Upgrades and priority repairs to water and sewage infrastructure
Enhanced police enforcement of speed limits on Westside
Fully resourced code compliance division, focusing on short-term rentals, unkept/nuisance properties and vehicles.
Develop and Support Initiatives for Westside Beautification and Enhancement
Grant funding for neighborhood enhancement programs with new 501(c)(3) status
Public Art in Westside parks and other green spaces
Enhanced “greening” of the Westside, including tree canopy and street plantings
“Branding” of Westside with street signage, banners, and entryway improvements
Expanded use of Mickel Park building/concession stand
Build Community Through Neighborhood-Wide Activities and City Volunteerism
Beautification and enhancement planning and programs
Participation in Citywide programs, including tree giveaways, roadway & waterway clean-ups, annual canoe race, and National Night Out.
Social activities, including meet and greets
Strengthen WAWM
Refreshed WAWM logo, branding, website and Facebook pages
Membership expansion, through social media, website, and personal contact
Improved communication and interaction with, and responsiveness to, WAWM members
Fund-raising for specific projects/events
Celebrating Success
Westside Neighborhood Social
Thanks for joining us for the Westside Neighborhood Social. We could not have asked for a better turnout for our Community get-together. After nearly three years, it was a great opportunity to reconnect and meet new members and extra special seeing so many of you bonding and forging new friendships.