Westside Annual Membership Meeting - April 18th, 2024
Broward County Commissioner Robert McKinzie, whose District 8 covers the Westside, addressed the Association membership. He discussed economic development, County planning efforts underway for Andrews Avenue, and the importance of public art.
Commissioner McKinzie emphasized his desire to represent at the County level the interests of the Westside and City of Wilton Manors. Residents asked Commissioner McKinzie for assistance on improving pedestrian safety on Andrews Avenue. Residents also asked about County plans for bus lanes on Oakland Park Boulevard, and whether the County would reconsider its decision to cancel the planned ownership transfer of the green space along the Middle River at the Rainbow Bridge from the County to the City of Wilton Manors. The Association invited Commissioner McKinzie to come back for a follow-up discussion on all these topics.
WMPD provided its quarterly update and the President provided the Board's Annual Report covering the Association’s finances, membership, operations and activities. A copy of the Annual Report presentation is found just below.
The Board thanked departing Board member Evan Smith for serving as Vice President for the last two years.
The Association then honored long-time Board member Van Gosselin for his dedicated service and contributions to the Westside Association spanning over two decades, as he too departs the Board. Van's presence on the Board will be missed, but we know where he lives if we need help!
More than 60 individuals attended the meeting, including Mayor Scott Newton and City Manager Leigh Ann Henderson.
All Wilton Manors Neighborhood Associations Public Forum - Wednesday March 6th 2024
On Wednesday, March 6th, the Neighborhood Associations of Wilton Manors jointly co-hosted a Public Forum that brought together City residents to learn about issues of common concern to all of our neighborhoods. Over 90 City residents attended the Forum.
The Assistant City Manager, Pamela Landi, made a presentation addressing some of the bigger challenges facing the City — such as aging infrastructure and climate change — that are complicated, have property tax and economic development implications, and involve other local jurisdictions.
We gained insight into how the City is planning to address these issues and how decisions made by Broward County and the City of Fort Lauderdale impact economic, housing and infrastructure plans in the City of Wilton Manors.
Assistant City Manager Landi also provided a wide-ranging summary of current City initiatives related to transportation, parks, public safety, and arts policy. We were joined by Vice Mayor Mike Bracchi and Commissioner Paul Rolli.
During the Q&A session that followed, residents asked numerous questions related to recent rate increases for residential water, sewer and garbage services, and what increased costs residents might expect in the future. We learned that:
the City of Fort Lauderdale, which provides water and wastewater services, typically increases its fees to Wilton Manors around 5% each year;
the cost of the new City Contract for solid waste removal that began in October 2023 is considerably higher than the previous contract, and that the last several years' of fees under the previous, lengthy agreement had been at below market prices;
and we will all have to brace for large increases in our water bills associated with Fort Lauderdale's new water treatment plant -- the Prospect Lake Clean Water Center -- now under construction.
A copy of the City's presentation can be found just below, followed by photos from the event.
Westside Social - February 8th 2024
The Westside Board would like to extend our sincere appreciation to our members and friends that joined us for the I ❤️ the Westside Party.
It was wonderful having over 80 neighbors join the festivities! The beautiful weather allowed us the opportunity to catch up, share laughs and stories, make new acquaintances, eat some terrific food prepared by Bona Italian Restaurant, and create new memories together.
Thank you once again for being a part of the I ❤️ the Westside Party. We look forward to more moments of laughter and camaraderie in the future.
General Membership Meeting - January 24th 2024
The Westside General Membership held its first meeting of 2024 on January 24th at Hagen Park Community Center. To the more than 70 who attended the meeting: Thank You! A copy of the slide presentation from the meeting is found below.
Featured Speaker: Mayor Scott Newton — Expectations for 2024
Update on Park Improvements, Michelle Parks, Director of Leisure Services
“Rock the Block” (February 17th), Gary Van Horn, Harmony Waves
WMPD and FDOT Report, including issues related to NW 29th Street Construction
Westside Update, WAWM Board of Directors
2023 Winter Wonders House Decorating Contest
And the Winners Are...
1st Place -- Joe Akin, 649 NW 30th Court
2nd Place -- Richard Kenny, 517 NW 21st St
3rd Place -- DC Allen, 2600 NW 7th Ave
Thanks again to our Judges Nancy Goldwin, Meghan Pearson, & Tedd Davis.
And to our Prize Sponsors below!
And, finally, to all the Westside residents delighted us with their Holiday decorations!
General Membership Meeting -- October 25th, 2023
We had another great turnout for our Fall Quarterly meeting, and welcomed 2 new Households to the Association that evening. It was a busy meeting.
We announced the selection of two new Directors to the Association's Board of Directors: Larry Farver, who lives in the 2500 block of NW 9th Terrace (west of Powerline Road), and Mike Allison, who resides in the 2600 block of NW 6th Avenue.
Mike and Larry will serve out the unexpired terms of two Directors that resigned from the Board.
We were sorry to see Bob Olenik recently depart the Board for work reasons, and very much thank him for his service to the Community.
The next election for Board of Directors will be April 2024, when all 7 positions will be open.
Members received a briefing from Broward County's Metropolitan Planning Organization on the Wilton Manors Transportation Master Plan. (Presentation is found below). The plan is designed to inform future transportation and mobility investment decisions by the City, especially as they relate to pedestrian and cyclist safety, and East-West flows through the City. Interim findings will be presented to the City Commission at its public meeting on 14 November.
The City made a presentation on the Broward County Surtax Program, which uses the County's special cent sales tax to fund transportation and other infrastructure investments in the County. The City is seeking community input on potential proposals for the next round of surtax funding.
Finally, Association members approved four amendments to the Association's Bylaws that were recommended by the Board. The amendments:
Clarify That There is One Vote Per Household
Update the Membership Renewal Process to Reflect Current Practice of Rolling Renewal Dates
Ease Quorum Requirements for Routine Membership Business; Strengthen Quorum Requirements for Voting on Bylaw Amendments
Reduce to 90 Days the Eligibility Requirement for New Members to Vote in Board Member Elections
See below the Powerpoint presentation for the meeting.
Westside Social & General Membership Meeting -- September 27th, 2023
We postponed our regularly scheduled July meeting to September and hosted an End-of-Summer Neighborhood Social before the meeting began.
We had over 70 residents and City officials attend the event. Westside residents heard a presentation from the development team working on the project at the former Andrews Diner location (2916-2980 N. Andrews Avenue). This 3-story project is slated to bring 54 residential units, and 1,800 square feet of commercial space to the ground floor.
Find below some photos from the meeting and a link to the development presentation.
Westside Street Clean Up -- June 11th 2023
Picking up trash along Andrews Ave and 29th St on the Westside was hot but rewarding work for the community! Thanks so all who came out to help and those who honked in support.
Westside Spring Fling Social -- May 17th 2023
Thank you to Westside members and friends for the great turn out at our Spring Fling Social event at Mickel Park! The stormy weather held off as we gathered on the patio, savored some lite bites and beverages, and enjoyed connecting and socializing together as a community. We were joined by several new Westside residents, City Commissioners, our City Manager and Chief of Police, and City staff helping to make the event possible.
Annual Membership Meeting -- April 17th, 2023
We had a great annual meeting with lots of information about what WAWM is working on this year, city updates from police and Michelle Parks, and new plenty of new development news. Please see the slide show under the events tab for more information.
General Membership Meeting -- January 25th, 2023
City officials discussed the recently approved changes to Vacation Rental regulations. Meet and greet with our newest Wilton Manors City Commissioner, Don D'Arminio. Westside Association plans for 2023.
Westside Holiday Season Events -- 2022
Glimpses from our Holiday Party, House Decorating Contest and the Holiday Concert at Mickel Park.
And the Winners Are...
1st Place -- Joe Akin, 649 NW 30th Court
2nd Place -- Lawrence Demarco, 2317 NW 6th Ave
3rd Place -- Jorgé Reyes and Scott Khile, 2908 NW 12th Ave
Thanks again to our Judges Pennie Zuercher, Dooney Potter, and Meghan Pearson...
And to our Prize Sponsors Lowe's, Pride Corner Art and Frame, Yellow Pear Designs, Island City Traders, and Peak Fitness...
And, finally, to all the Westside residents delighted us with their Holiday decorations!
Candidate's Forum -- October 13th 2022
The Westside Association co-hosted a candidate forum on Thursday October 13th at the Hagen Park Community Center. The forum allowed candidates for the upcoming November 8th election to introduce themselves to the public as well as answer previously selected questions about their positions and priorities.
Westside National Night Out Block Party -- August 2nd 2022
The best way to build a safer community is to know your neighbors and your surroundings. National Night Out enhances the relationship between neighbors and law enforcement while bringing back a true sense of community.
General Membership Meeting -- July 14th 2022
The Westside Association heard informational presentations from:
Roberta Moore, Director of Community Development Services, on the status of economic development projects in the City, including three proposed or on-going projects on Andrews Ave: "The Ave" mixed use apartment complex at the corner of Oakland Park Blvd and Andrews Avenue; a proposed mixed use townhouse complex at the former site of Andrews Diner; and the building nearing completion at 1985 N. Andrews.
Gary Blocker, Chief of Wilton Manors Police Department, on current crime statistics and code compliance cases on the Westside.
Meghan Pearson, local Wilton Manors artist, on her project to paint the Powerline Road bridge over the North Fork of the Middle River.
The Board presented its proposed Priorities for 2022-2023, and plans for upcoming Westside sponsored events and activities.
Westside Neighborhood Social -- June 9th 2022
Many thanks for joining us for the Westside Neighborhood Social. We could not have asked for a better turnout for our Community get-together. After nearly three years, it was a great opportunity to reconnect and meet new members. It was extra special seeing so many of you bonding and forging new friendships.
We look forward to serving and building stronger relationships within our Westside and collaborating with all Wilton Manors communities.